
Home: The Haunted House Map Building RPG

Created by Wet Ink Games

Some Doors Should Never Be Opened

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Benito Cereno Haunting Tale UNLOCKED!!!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 05:55:44 AM

We've unlocked another Haunting Tale for ALL BACKERS!!!

If we make it to $30k we'll unlock another Haunting Tale by the awesome Kristin Devine. I've been looking forward to this ever since we started looking for writers...Haunted Doll House… yeah, the creepy kind.

C.A.S. Taylor Haunting Tale UNLOCKED!!!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 05:55:34 AM

With about 30 hours left to go, we've unlocked another Haunting Tale Stretch Goal which will be included in ALL pledges. Just a reminder, you'll also receive a Print and Play file of each via DriveThruRPG.

Next, we'll have a Haunting Tale by horror writer Benito Cereno. 

"The Last Judgment" The local church is offering its alternative to more secular Halloween haunts, a chilling display of the wages of sin enacted in the flesh for teens most susceptible to the temptations of the flesh. But in their zeal to create a truly harrowing experience, the church seems to have summoned something more than they bargained for. A demon? Or something worse? In this descent into hidden depths, your sins will come back to haunt you, in more ways than one.

about 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 08:09:49 AM

Earlier today we unlocked another terrifying Haunting Tale by Bridgette Jeffries. This one is going to be great, and we can't wait to get it into your hands. 

Now we move on to the next Haunting Tale by designer C.A.S. Taylor!!!

"The Cage"
This house has a purpose - to keep something sealed away. Something that even now stalks the characters, a flicker at the edge of their vision, always out of sight. The characters represent a chance to escape. Which is bad news for them, since the house will do whatever it takes to keep its prisoner.

With just a little over 48 hours left we're ally hoping to unlock this and a a few others. We hope you're as excited as we are. 

FYI, there is a question in the comments section about your personal Haunting Tales... We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Stretch Goal Unlocked!!!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 02:43:47 AM

Thanks to all your help and support we’ve unlocked the Haunting Tale of the Shrinking House by Dominique Dickey! We’re so excited to see this added to ALL pledges.

We’re already well on our way towards the next Stretch Goal by Bridget Jeffries of Symphony Entertainment. Bridget is taking us into a new dimension of terror with the Haunting Tale of The Cosmic Horrors.

“There are unknowable and incomprehensible horrors in this world...In this house, several of these dead things lay dreaming.”

Let’s keep spreading the word as we unlock each of these amazing goals.

BACKER GOAL UNLOCKED!!! (And Upcoming Stretch Goal)
about 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 11:00:32 AM

500 BACKERS!!!

This is AWESOME news! We've reached over 500 backers, which means we will include a full set of dry-erase character sheets in EVERY copy of HOME thanks to you and your support.

We're also less than $500 away from Dominique's stretch goal, "The Shrinking House" and it's going to be a lot of fun, and maybe a little claustrophobic. 

"The Shrinking House" - This house is smaller on the inside than it appears from the outside, and getting even smaller as the night goes on. The walls rearrange themselves, forcing the characters to confront what lies at the house's center...

They're also adding "The Explorer" archetype.

You belong to the woods and caves, and never hesitate to venture somewhere uncharted. Will your curiosity and experience keep you safe tonight, or will it lead you to your doom?

As a reminder, these goals will be free to all backers of the game. Thanks again for your support.