
Home: The Haunted House Map Building RPG

Created by Wet Ink Games

Some Doors Should Never Be Opened

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Add-On Instructions Clarification
about 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 11:27:26 PM

Hey everyone! 

We've had a few people asking about the add-ons so we want to clarify the instructions for you all. Our add-on Packs are $6, so if you would like to add any you can simply adjust your pledge.

  • Select "Manage Pledge"
  • Adjust Pledged amount by the amount you want (add $6 for one, $12 for both)
  • Once the BackerKit goes out, you will be able to allocate any added funds to the desired add-ons.
  • That's it!

Just a note,  even though these will be available in the BackerKit after the campaign (we want to make sure all of our supporters have a chance to get these), if you adjust your pledge during the campaign we'll be able to move towards these stretch goals together. Get excited!

+1EXP Interview
over 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 07:12:09 PM

Hey all! In case you missed the session the other day with Tony at +1EXP, you can find that here:

Add-On Instructions

We've had a few people asking about the add-ons so we want to clarify the instructions for you all. Our add-on Packs are $6, so if you would like to add any you can simply adjust your pledge.

  • Select "Manage Pledge"
  • Adjust Pledged amount by the amount you want (add $6 for one, $12 for both)
  • Once the BackerKit goes out, you will be able to allocate any added funds to the desired add-ons.
  • That's it!

FUNDED!!! Stretch Goals and Add-On news!!!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 10:15:49 PM


WOW! Thanks to you all, we're funded with still two weeks to go to unlock some awesome stretch goals from some of the most amazing indie designers in the industry. Our first stretch goal writer, Dominique Dickey, will be working on a new Haunting Tale and Character Archetype for ALL backers. This will be available in both digital and physical formats. 


We asked all of you awesome backers about solo play in a previous update and just wanted to let you know that Doug and Julian have confirmed the game will include solo play rules for ALL pledges. This will likely be included in the core rulebook, and if there are any other additional cards required they will be included in the print and play files and all copies of the core game.


We have a TON of stretch goals which will be adding new material to the game for all backers, but we also wanted to give you all an opportunity, as backers to be able to get some really cool stuff for your support. We have a few add-ons which will only be available directly from Wet Ink Games, through this Kickstarter, or at conventions. Each of these will be $6 and can be added to your existing pledge by 

  • The first is a Designer Promo Pack exclusively designed by Doug and Julian which will have a Haunting Tale and a new archetype. Nerdy gamers beware!
  • The second is the first Crossover Pack. Those of you familiar with Wet Ink Games may be aware of our World War One Horror game which was just begging for the Haunting Tales treatment, and the name only helped. Matthew Orr and Brandon K. Aten are going to dive in and create a horrifying experience bringing the two games together. Check it out.

Love, Links, and Lamination(?)...
over 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 06:28:30 PM


We don't know if you saw this already, but last evening we received notification that Home has been selected as a "Project We Love" by Kickstarter! Not only is this just a cool recognition of the fantastic work done by the creative team, but it can also help gamers more easily find the project if they're browsing Kickstarter or social media. That's great news all around. 

Rook and Rasp Interview

We promised to share the link to the Rook and Rasp interview with Doug and Julian once it was posted. John from R&R shared it with us this afternoon. It's a quick, informative, and fun listen so be sure to check it out. 

The team is being interviewed by Tony over at +1EXP tomorrow, and we'll be sure to share that once it's wrapped up too, so be sure to keep an eye out for these updates.


I know, it was a stretch, but I wanted to remind you all that we're quickly approaching the 500 backer goal which will unlock a full set of the laminated, reusable character sheets for every copy of the game. Keep spreading the word and we'll get there in no time. We're also nearing the main funding goal, and we'll be there before you know it!

We have some other really cool things in the works too, which we'll be announcing in a future update (potentially later this week). I'm sure you all can use your paranormal investigative senses and figure out at least one...

Special Bonus, Interview Details, and Solo Rules Question
over 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 10:15:02 AM

Reusable Character Sheet Bonus!

Hey everyone! We're so thankful for your support and will keep you all up to date as we make progress on reaching our funding goal. As a thank you, we wanted to let you know that we have a special bonus for all of you for moving us forward and spreading the word.

When we reach 500 backers, we'll include a full set of printed, dry-erasable character sheets in every copy of Home! 

We'll have the mock-up to show you once we unlock it, but we really wanted you all to know how much we appreciate you.

Rook and Rasp Interview

As we mentioned in the last update, Doug and Julian will be on Rook and Rasp this evening at 6 pm Eastern. You can watch and interact live on Twitch tonight, and it will be on YouTube later this week. HERE IS THE LINK TO TWITCH!

Solo Rules

One of the most frequent questions we've received for this project is whether this game can be played solo. After discussing with the developers, we wanted to put the question to you all to gauge interest in solo rules variant So...

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A SOLO RULESET? If so, please comment on this update to let us know. We'll definitely let you know what comes out of this.